Micro Spiculum Hammer

The Micro Spiculum Hammer is used to make small to micro sized spiculums from 24 ga to 30 metal.
Machined from Billet Steel with hand turned Purple Heart handles.
For use with the Purple Heart Micro Spiculum Block and Micro Spiculum Closing Hammer to produce tiny spiculums of all shapes.
NC Black Tools are Hand Fabricated and require a few weeks delivery time.
Weight: 3 ounces (85 gm)
Faces: 3/8" wide by 1/8" high, 3/8" wide by 1/16" high
10 mm wide by 3 mm high, 10 mm wide by 1.5 mm high
Head: 3/8" wide by 1/2" high by 3 1/4" long
10 mm wide by 12.5 mm high by 82 mm long